It’s everything you claimed it is!
HI Joe,
I just wanted to express how impressed I was with your product, it’s everything you claimed it is!
From the website, to the ordering, to the quick delivery, to ease of installation, to the fit and finish and of coarse the final results were magnifico !! Old school results !
I installed this railing for a gentleman who had fallen and broke his hip and needed the railing installed after his home health care visit.
He was very happy and impressed, just like me!
The escutcheons were a little tricky to install and during the process I scratched the post slightly. Seemed like they needed a little more clearance in the area of the square post’s hole opening, I couldn’t tip them apart far enough to mesh the parting lines.
Also I choose to paint the bottom of the post cuts.
Thanks again,
Jeff Etzel
Owner of Oldschool Handyman Services
Delano, MN