I am extremely satisfied with
I am extremely satisfied with all aspects of the experience! Pre-purchase communication (mock-up, questions and answers) with Joe was extremely helpful. My two, #4 Pickets arrived in 2 days as advertised and in excellent condition. All hardware was furnished including the anchors, drill bit and socket that fit the anchors. (I changed to 5/16″x3″ Tapcon Concrete anchors and found landing the anchors much easier that those provided.) The railings were very easy to install although for the novice, your instructions might want to specifically tell people to clean the dust from the holes before trying to insert the anchors. The railings are very sturdy! If they ever begin to move over time, I’ll re-drill the holes and add epoxy but I really don’t expect to have to do that. The price was right and the railings look fantastic. Initially my bride wasn’t too keen on standard DIY type railings. She was looking for custom railing at a much higher price. But once installed, she is extremely pleased too! I can go on and on but will leave it there. For any DIY’er with a hammer drill, hack saw, tape measure and level, this is the way to go. You won’t regret this purchase. I’m so glad I found this product.